Today I started reading Choosing Against War by John D. Roth. I picked up the book a few months ago, but didn't actually get to reading much beyond the introduction. However, today I found myself making note after note after note. I'm certainly not far into the book, but I have a lot of appreciation for what Roth writes and how he writes it.
Here are snip-its that resonated . . .
"Chapter Four expands on one specific theme of the nonviolent power of the cross: humility. Far from encouraging a passive retreat from the world, humility seeks to embody the vulnerability of the cross in everyday human relations...In the end, Christian pacifism is not an argument to be won, or a tool for reaching ideal political outcomes, or even an airtight ethical system. It is simply a commitment to follow Jesus sincerely and completely, even if that path should lead to the cross."
Roth quoting from In His Steps by Charles M. Sheldon:
"A mysterious stranger, a tramp dressed in rags, disturbs the neatly ordered life of the parishoners of First Church by interrupting their singing one Sunday morning with a request for help. When the well-heeled members reject his plea, the tramp exclaims to the congregation, 'It seems to me there's an awful lot of trouble in the world that somehow wouldn't exist if all the people who sing such songs went and lived them out.'"
"God's love for the world, expressed most fully in Christ, is genuinely good news, defying all human comprehension. God's love is unmerited, given without condition and without demand that it be reciprocated. It is vulnerable, expressed in the form of a human being who renounced his own status, assumed the role of a servant, and willingly suffered humiliation, pain and death. It is irrational, granted as freely to enemies as it is to friends. It is empowering, enabling all those who experience it to also, in turn, share it fully with others. It is persistent, extended patiently and stubbornly to those who choose to reject it. "
Friday, May 30, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Me thinks.
You know, when there isn't any homework to do, it's amazing how much "extra" time a day holds . . . I spend a lot of that time thinking. Just pondering what has been, what is and what will be: typical of anyone's ponderings I suppose, since that's really all there is. Reading interesting books, listening to music. Organizing or de-organizing. : ) Thinking, wondering. Reaching in, reaching out. Working, relaxing. Missing, enjoying.
It always proves to be interesting, this thing called life.
and it always seems to need this thing I'm learning called patience. I'm trying to be patient. I wonder where it will take me?
It always proves to be interesting, this thing called life.
and it always seems to need this thing I'm learning called patience. I'm trying to be patient. I wonder where it will take me?
Monday, May 19, 2008
Facebook Status
I am reading, rebuilding CNA muscles, and wishing I didn't feel like I'm getting sick . . .
but, not quite punk enough to take meds yet.
but, not quite punk enough to take meds yet.
Finally a day off after 7 straight days of work. I know; it's a taste of the real world . . . but I have also realized how much I appreciate at least one day for rest, and I also find my patience shows wear after awhile. I'm glad for the change of pace from schoolwork to "regular" work, but it's still tiring, just a different kind of tiring.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
My Thoughts to You
My thoughts from tonight's drive while listening to this song . . . Remember that you're being watched... you're a role model for them, even though they're only a few years old. And, even though life might not be so easy right now, even though it might not make much sense, they're still watching you, watching how you walk through life. So you don't know what's coming next, what to do, where to go . . . continue to show them that the important thing is faithfulness in following Jesus wherever you are at in the moment, even if the place or the job doesn't look to be "long-term."
~ Rodney Atkins
They admire you, and I do too.
Driving through town just my boy and me
With a happy meal in his booster seat
Knowing that he couldn't have the toy
Till his nuggets were gone
A green traffic light turned straight to red
I hit my brakes and mumbled under my breath
His fries went a flying and his orange drink covered his lap
Well then my four year old said a four letter word
That started with "s" and I was concerned
So I said son now now where did you learn to talk like that
[Chorus one]
He said I've been watching you dad, ain't that cool
I'm your buckaroo, I wanna be like you
And eat all my food and grow as tall as you are
We got cowboy boots and camo pants
Yeah we're just alike, hey ain't we dad
I wanna do everything you do
So I've been watching you
We got back home and I went to the barn
I bowed my head and I prayed real hard
Said Lord please help me help my stupid self
Then this side of bedtime later that night
Turning on my son's Scooby Doo nightlight
He crawled out of bed and he got down on his knees
He closed his little eyes, folded his little hands
And spoke to God like he was talking to a friend
And I said son now where'd you learn to pray like that
[Chorus two]
He said I've been watching you dad, ain't that cool
I'm your buckaroo, I wanna be like you
And eat all my food and grow as tall as you are
We like fixing things and holding mama's hand
Yeah we're just alike, hey ain't we dad
I wanna do everything you do
So I've been watching you
With tears in my eyes I wrapped him in a hug
Said my little bear is growing up
He said but when I'm big I'll still know what to do
[Chorus three]
Cause I've been watching you dad, ain't that cool
I'm your buckaroo, I wanna be like you
And eat all my food and grow as tall as you are
By then I'll be as strong as superman
We'll be just alike, hey won't we dad
When I can do everything you do
Cause I've been watching you
~ Rodney Atkins
They admire you, and I do too.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
After One Week

One week of summer down. And, probably my favorite week because most college students are just finishing their finals and high schoolers aren't free yet either, thus I feel privileged to be on vacation already. : )
What to do this summer? Well, it will be a different summer, that's for sure (see my other blog for more of that), but hopefully some fun-ness too! I'm planning on reading a lot and my list of books keeps growing. Here's a few of the sought-after titles:
- Irresistible Revolution (finished!)
- The Myth of a Christian Nation (working on it...)
- Choosing Against War
- Jesus for President
- Secret Message of Jesus
- Velvet Elvis
- Sex God
- Signs for the Journey
- Blue Like Jazz
- some other random books...
Of course, there's other things to do too, like:
- working on compiling more recipes in my album-of-family-favorites, i.e. my own cookbook instead of using mom's all the time.
- learning how to cook
- reaching out
- working through and moving on
- organization
- decoration plans (for next year's (hopefully) bigger dorm room)
- learning more about and growing in patience, grace
- maybe making cards
I'm sure other things will pop up too, but this is good for starters, good for filling in those gaps not occupied by work. Oh, and extra sleep is always lovely as well.
Saturday, May 03, 2008
After an 8+ hour roadtrip . . .
Familiar sounds.
Home-cooked food.
My bed.
I am excited and anxious, not knowing what this summer will hold . . . I'm sure it will be a good break, though---a good break before the exciting, but intense "storm" of two years of clinicals! Wow . . .
Familiar sounds.
Home-cooked food.
My bed.
I am excited and anxious, not knowing what this summer will hold . . . I'm sure it will be a good break, though---a good break before the exciting, but intense "storm" of two years of clinicals! Wow . . .
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