Wednesday, April 15, 2009


12 days of insanity. 12 days until the end of the school year.

I just got back from Easter break, which ended up being a bit longer of a break. We said goodbye to Grandma, as she passed away on Saturday after a brief illness. It was so hard; even though I rejoice in the hope of Christ, she was my last grandparent... and such a dear one to me. I miss her already, there's things that suddenly I'm realizing will never happen again.

I'm exhausted and weary. It was a tiring 6 days of going, going, going... I got the usual amount of sleep, but there's just so much going on in life right now. Almost too much handle if I let it take over... My to-do list is looming over my head, with projects full of (in my opinion) rediculous requirements from some profs. Somehow a 2-credit-hour course should not take up most of my time! and a term paper should not be expected to be a dissertation at the Bachelor's degree level. HA.

I'm looking forward to the weekend in two short days... granted, it will be full of homework. But, it will also provide some extra time for breathing hopefully.

That's what I feel like: I haven't been able to catch my breath. Sounds strange, but I don't think I've even fully realized the meaning or depth of all that happened this weekend, in the sense of all the things that will be different now.

I'd certainly appreciate your prayers on behalf of my family as well, as we adjust to perhaps a "new normal"... not that this was completely unexpected, but, as someone said last night, it's a big deal when you lose the matriarch.... especially such an amazing one!

Pressing on...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am praying for you daily! I pray that God will give you peace and the strength to finish all your work.