Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Thank you for this weekend...it was wonderful! Of course, it was hard to come back...but the pictures and smiles made the adjustment so much better.

Thank you for the bit o' sunshine in my room : D

Somehow the memories make the distance seem shorter... I'm praying for you...

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Life is Precious

Nothin' Quite Like a Smile...

There's nothin' quite like a smile that won't leave your face because you're home and spending all your time with those you care about and missed greatly.

God's timing is amazingly perfect, if only I could recognize that all of the time. I am truly grateful for all the blessings He has bestowed on me this year, they are innumerable...

He is the everlasting
Jehovah Jireh, my provider...

Sunday, November 19, 2006


Chemistry is so confuzling...I am so lost in acids and bases I don't know what to do with myself. And the test will be mostly concepts...oh, dear.

i'm counting on that 3 hour study session tomorrow night to help un-confuzle this brain...

Friday, November 17, 2006

oooohhhhhh. i am so excited!!!

only four days till my extraordinary birthday


only four days till thanksgiving break...


Friday, November 10, 2006

hooray for relaxing...

it's so nice to finally have a relaxing weekend...despite the fact that i am a bit concerned about my politics test grade which should be returned to me sometime this weekend. uh, yeah. i might have to work a little harder for the last test.

BUT, grades later....for now, it's some fun and relaxation!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

A bit o' sunshine on a rainy day...

There is a blue VW Jetta outside of my unit...

walking past it makes my day a bit brighter. : D

oh silly, silly me.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

i wish...

two and a half weeks cannot go fast enough enough...

if i wish upon a shooting star...will it go faster?

Thursday, November 02, 2006


I love how...
  • You remember all the little things...
  • I can't help but smile...
  • You see me for me...
  • The giggles just spill over so often...

Peace Amid The Rush

Why is it that I always feel like I am in a rush...there are always things that need to be accomplished: studying for next weeks tests (4 in fact), writing two papers for next week, juggling a schedule for next semester, trying to decide whether to pursue a minor, things to read, meetings to go to...

...and yet I have become so thankful for breakfast with my King, because that is the moment in the day that He, and He alone, has my attention...without the distractions of work that needs to be done. I've learned so much in the last month of breakfasts, thought and prayed through so many big decisions...some exciting and smile-producing : ), some stressful and worrisome.

But, the advice, encouragement and truth in Proverbs--a perfect, month-long book--always seems to be what I need to hear at the moment I read it.

So many thoughts pressing, pushing through my head...and yet overflowing gratefulness for the abundant peace of breakfast with my King.