Friday, April 11, 2008

Warning: Random

I've decided that Ohio has bipolar weather. And, I do not like it.

The forecast for tomorrow is chilly and rainy, which conveniently impacts "Junior Jam" where the University invites little kids to come and run around outside under the supervision of college students. . . and hopefully learn a thing or two about God's love. I'm glad I'm just helping with lunch (which is inside and of short duration/easy workload).

However, it is favorably warm right now, which is wonderful.

I'm enjoying checking the stats counter I installed on my blog . . . the number listed is unique visitors, and I have access to the number of hits. It's pretty neat!

I still have this annoying cold. cough. gross throat feeling. It doesn't seem bad enough to take "Multi-Cold Symptom: Severe" medicine. I don't want to be knocked out for a week. And, no, I do not look like the picture I posted yesterday(?); it just made me laugh. Treatment equals lotsa liquids, lotsa hand sanitizer and lotsa sleep!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we were wondering if you're "jammed out" by now...and eating lots of leftovers... :)