Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Extra Credit

In the last 2 days I got 32 points of extra credit in Stats . . . Not to mention the 1-3 extra credit points on each homework assignment up until that time!

That should help, shouldn't it?!! : )

Friday, April 25, 2008

Countdown Update!

  • 8 days of Cedarville life left
  • 4 days of finals left
  • 2 days of classes left

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Follow Up

Here are links to the articles I mentioned in my last blog post. I wanted to include them with that post, but they were not available on the internet at that time. If, for some reason, the links do not work, you can go to the homepage of Cedars (our university newspaper) at http://www.readcedars.com/

The articles should be included under the "Viewpoints" section of issue 10.

Weighing the Wages of War: Passing on Pacifism

Weighing the Wages of War: Rethinking the ROTC

Friday, April 18, 2008

The Defenses We Build

Yesterday, the school newspaper included two opinion-articles contrasting two views on war: pacifism and "passing on pacifism." Personally, I thought both sides, both articles were well written; however, one (I bet you can guess which one) gave way to an uprise of extreme offense on part of the ROTC members. To clarify, the article for pacifism basically (and bluntly) said that we need to get rid of the ROTC program for its role in allowing and promoting "just war." While I agreed with the author, and was glad to read such an article at this school, I could understand why the ROTC memebrs took such great offense, because the author was highly critical of the military and all recruitment programs. It is true that he showed absolutely no support for the people in those programs.

However, as I listened to ROTC students talk, in absolute outrage, about this article, I realized a completely ironic situation. Those of us supporting pacifism are criticized for verbalizing our opinions when we don't support the military; yet, the ROTC members absolutely tore the author's opinion to pieces saying that he had no idea what he was talking about, he was biased. It's cliche, but we are told to appreciate military servicemen and servicewomen because they purchase our right to speak freely . . . then can you let me voice my opinion? Can you listen while I share my thoughts, while the author of this article explains his perspective?

Hmmmm . . . they seemd to take offense that the author had not "done his research" properly, and yet, have they honestly talked to, honestly listened to someone who supports a pacifist position? Have they done their research?

Perhaps I'm biased too. . . Perhaps I am too relieved to see an article in support of what I believe in to look at the article from middle ground. However, it frustrates me that I barely breathe the words "peace" or "pacifism" before people jump down my throat and block out anything I have to say... even if it's something they've never heard before. This morning I watched an ROTC member angrily pass several copies of the article to her friends, telling them to read the poorly written, biased, offensive article (on pacifism) and then read the well-written, well-researched, non-biased article (justifying war). Did she forget this is an opinions page. . . ?

I do not deny that it is difficult for me to answer the difficult questions of what to do when widows and orphans are the victims of an injust government, what the government's role is in the world, and the ever popular what would have happened in WWII, if we hadn't invaded . . .

But, just war is a complete oxymoron. I have been baffled by the fact that recently several people in support of military action have stated this . . . yet, they still cling to and place their hope and trust in military service.

Don't get me wrong: I'm still processing, still thinking, still pondering the reasonings and justifications of different positions. But, it just seems that so many times people supporting peace are told to get their facts straight and listen to the other side . . . can you honestly listen to my side this time, without building your defense?

Friday, April 11, 2008

Warning: Random

I've decided that Ohio has bipolar weather. And, I do not like it.

The forecast for tomorrow is chilly and rainy, which conveniently impacts "Junior Jam" where the University invites little kids to come and run around outside under the supervision of college students. . . and hopefully learn a thing or two about God's love. I'm glad I'm just helping with lunch (which is inside and of short duration/easy workload).

However, it is favorably warm right now, which is wonderful.

I'm enjoying checking the stats counter I installed on my blog . . . the number listed is unique visitors, and I have access to the number of hits. It's pretty neat!

I still have this annoying cold. cough. gross throat feeling. It doesn't seem bad enough to take "Multi-Cold Symptom: Severe" medicine. I don't want to be knocked out for a week. And, no, I do not look like the picture I posted yesterday(?); it just made me laugh. Treatment equals lotsa liquids, lotsa hand sanitizer and lotsa sleep!

Monday, April 07, 2008

I guess I better watch out...

"Gummy Bears May Have Sidelined Rose"

Today a news article on AOL's homepage reports that a basketball player ate too many gummy bears and got a tummy ache . . . sounds like me with that 5 lb. bag of gummies at the beginning of the school year! : )

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

"Someone Using Your Room and Car"

I laughed for a while at this, so I thought I'd share it . . . My dad emailed me this evening:

"Someone asked if they could stay here and we said they could, and we also said if they needed a car for anything they could use yours. We sent some pictures of the person using them. Hope it was okay."

uhhhhh, sure... but who in the world????

The story:
I adopted the bear from a family member . . .
and it apparently is now renting my room and my car, until I get home.