Friday, May 11, 2007

24 hours.

What an interesting 24 hours!

At this time last night we were looking for and praying for an open ER to treat gunner :-)'s achey-?breaky? finger due to a not-so-softball. But, the Lord worked and blessed us with a short stay at the ER..."short" is relative to the average wait in an ER, that is. No major damage, at least not that 4-6 weeks rest can't heal.

And, today...some of the best news of the last week: a solid summer job!! One that will provide good hours and great experience, but also be beneficial to all involved.

Thank you, Jesus. Your faithfulness amazes me, yet again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is what tyoing with a soplooint on the finger oloogks ooke...!!! grrrrrrrrrrr!!!
