Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Re-powering During a Power Outage.

Remnants of Hurricane Ike hit Ohio on Sunday as evidenced by. . .

- shingles flying off of the roof
- young adult men practically falling over while trying to walk forward
- pitch black bathrooms (sort of like using an outhouse in the middle of the night. Except during the day. with a flashlight under the arm.)
- cold showers in the dark
- heading to bed at 8:00 pm because there was nothing to do in the dark and the serotonin was kicking in
- emergency food in a cafeteria with emergency lighting
- no clinicals for two whole days!

Most of all . . .

- a God whose timing is impeccable... we needed that break so much! This power outage meant we had to stop and take some time to relax and recharge.

Now we're up, off and running again!

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