Thursday, June 04, 2009

For My Momma.

Yesterday my mom asked me to post something new on my blog. I had actually forgotten about this blog for a little while; in the hum-drum of summer, it doesn't seem like there's too much to be talked about!

However, in a matter of a little more than a week I will be on my way to South America for 5 weeks, so I guess that deserves an update! A friend and I will be helping a missionary family from our church in any way we can. They are dedicated to a school, Promesa, so we will probably be mostly involved at the school.

Of course, hassles are involved, and my friend is still waiting to get her passport back from the visa application we needed to file. So, if you'd take a few minutes and pray for a quick delivery of an intact passport that would be greatly appreciated!

Otherwise, I've been working and lounging. I've also been working on a little bit of studying for the scary NCLEX test of next summer! The most frequent advice I've received is to start studying small doses consistently ahead of time.

But, it's 9:00 and I should probably start wrapping up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Sunshine!:)
Oh, we're praying!!!! We really don't prefer you to have to travel by yourself if her passport doesn't arrive back in time! Arrghh--What is with those processing their visas???
We love you!