Monday, April 09, 2007


I am blessed beyond belief. How is it that a year ago we never imagined this? It's wonderful, fun and blessing-ful all at the same time.

Thank you for this weekend. I know that saying goodbye was hard for us, but the amazing talks we had help to make the miles seem shorter...and hopefully the weeks will go faster. There's something about those long talks that makes the short breaks so special.

Miss you.
; )


Anonymous said...

100% AGREED!!!


I like those lOOng talks TOO!!!


Karissa said...

Yeah the next few weeks will be CRAZY. Somehow, a few weeks before Easter my workload really lightened up, but now it is terrible again--just concentrated within a few classes. Oh well--in 3 weeks I will be done with it all and hopefully sleeping in my bed at home!

Anonymous said...

live IN it...laugh AT IT...don't ask...I don't know either...
